Are you a bit of a Home Bod?
Life has a way of speeding past us, especially when wrapped up in our day to day schedule and commitments.
Quite often we will cut out the personal health and fitness, for our family, our work or our social life.
1: Drop us a message by sending over the contact form and we will be in touch to discuss your location, any health issues, length of the session and when you would like to get started.
2: We will need a minimum space (inside or outdoors) of 130cm x 190cm (2.5m2) which in rare occasions may require moving a small piece of furniture like a coffee table or a chair, which our trainers are happy to do.
3: Depending on what you opted for, the training session can last up to 1 hour. At any point if you need to dash away to respond to an email, receive a package or rescue a child, its perfectly normal.
4: If we find that there are too frequent interruptions then we can either change the length of the sessions, the start time or even the day. Home Bods is designed to work around your daily life. It just may take a little while to find that sweet spot.
5: Feel like you cant do much due to health conditions or need frequent breaks?
Do not worry, you're in good hands. Every session works with your current abilities in mind and still focused towards your goals.
About the Service
About Me
Hi there! I’m Sam, the head trainer and CEO of Home Bods.
Since achieving my black belt, 19 years ago and qualifying as a personal trainer 9 years ago, I’ve have been sharing my passion for fitness and martial arts with folks just like you - people of all ages and walks of life, looking to make a positive change in a time frame that works for them.
My adventure started in the world of freestyle karate and kickboxing and has taught me more than just techniques and discipline; it’s shown me how to inspire, teach and motivate my clients. After moving to Bury St Edmund's from Kent, my focus is to provide the same service of personalised fitness right to your doorstep. I’ts all about creating a comfortable, fun, and totally tailored training experience in your own home around your busy day to day lives.
Becoming a Dad 6 years ago and seeing how fast time can fly by I realised that for a lot of us, exercise has to fit into our lives if we are to stick at it, because lets face it, its the first to go when we need an extra hour or two in the week.
Home Bods is my focus at helping people achieve results no matter how big or small, on a schedule that works for them by not only making the sessions bespoke in exercises but also in duration.
If you prefer multiple 20-30 minute sessions 5 times a week around baby nap times, we can do that.
Have one free morning each week and want a 2 hour session with a holistic approach, we can do that too.
Need to be by your laptop on your lunch break while you work from home? Easy!
Whether you’re chasing a specific fitness goal, curious about martial arts, or just ready to start a new journey towards wellness, I’m here to guide, support, and more importantly get you the results without having to move your life around.